Individual and Family Therapy
To set up an appointment you may call my office at 404-272-4261. During this call we can discuss your needs and determine if I will be a good match.
I do not have a receptionist and do not answer my phone when with a client. You may not be able to reach me immediately however, my office voicemail is confidential and you may leave me a message. Please let me know a good time to call you back. I check my messages often, including weekends and holidays. When I am in the office, I attempt to return all calls the same day.
Please print out and complete the new client forms found in the "New Client Forms" link prior to your first session. Please bring the completed forms to your first appointment.
As of January 1, 2019 I will be working in 2 offices. On Mondays and Wednesdays I will be in East Cobb in an office park off of Johnson Ferry Road and Post Oak Tritt Road. The office is located on the 2nd floor so the ability to walk stairs is required.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays my office is conveniently located on Cherry Street which is across the street from Kennestone Hospital. It is a gray house with a sign outside that says "Psychological Affiliates" (Note: I am not affiliated with Psychological Affiliates). You may park in the front or back of the building.
Suite 200
Marietta, GA 30062
(404) 272-4261
122 Cherry Street
Marietta, GA 30060
(404) 272-4261
I accept cash and checks only. I do not accept credit or debit cards. Payment is due at the end of each session.
I am an in-network provider for most insurance companies including CMO Medicaid (Amerigroup, Peach State, Wellcare). If I am an in-network provider for your insurance company, I will bill your insurance company for services. You will be responsible for payment of the deductible and/or co-pay at the end of each session. I am also an in-network provider for many EAP programs. Please contact your insurance company or EAP to find out if I am an in-network provider.
Out-of-Network Benefits
Your health plan may provide some reimbursement to you for use of providers outside of their approved network. Contact your health plan directly for information regarding this. If they do, I will provide a monthly receipt that you may submit to them.
Please complete the information below to contact me via email:
Copyright 2011 Jodi Forman LCSW, LLC. All rights reserved.